Wick Drains and Drainage Holes

Wick drains and drainage holes are a type of soil improvement technique that can help you achieve faster and more reliable construction projects. They are designed to accelerate the consolidation of soft and saturated soils by providing a path for water to escape. This reduces the settlement time and increases the bearing capacity of the soil.

Whether you are building a road, a bridge, a dam, or any other structure that requires a stable foundation, wick drains and drainage holes can help you save time and money by reducing the risk of delays, failures, and repairs.

Richardson Drilling is a leading provider of wick drains and drainage holes in the industry. We have the experience, equipment, and expertise to install wick drains and drainage holes for any project, regardless of the size, location, or soil type.

Wick drains are vertical strips of synthetic material that are inserted into the soil using a specialized rig. They act as drains that allow water to flow out of the soil and into a horizontal drainage layer. This speeds up the consolidation process and reduces the settlement and pore water pressure.

Drainage holes are horizontal perforated pipes that are drilled into the soil using a directional drilling machine. They act as conduits that collect and transport water from the wick drains to a discharge point. This enhances the drainage efficiency and reduces the risk of flooding or erosion.

By installing wick drains and drainage holes, you can benefit from:

If you are looking for a reliable and professional contractor to install wick drains and drainage holes for your project, look no further than Richardson Drilling. We have been in the business for nearly 100 years and have completed hundreds of successful projects across various sectors.

Don't let soft and saturated soils ruin your project. Contact us today and get a quote for your wick drains and drainage holes installation.


Faster consolidation of soft and saturated soils


Higher bearing capacity and shear strength of the soil


Lower settlement and pore water pressure


Improved performance and durability of the structure


Shorter project duration and lower costs

Contact us today for a consultation and quote

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Equipment Available for Wick Drains and Drainage Holes

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